Şablon vaten:Nuştey heftey
Please change to the old Alphabet Bıra Xosere, if you want write long texts, you can buy simply a turkish keyboard. --Dersimıc 15:49, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
- IT IS NOT AN ISSUE OF KEYBOARD. THIS alphabet cannot be used here. Even Chinese alphabet would be much better. --Xosere 16:07, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
- then i wish your good luck. --Dersimıc 16:37, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
- If you are concerned about who will accept it, I would say maybe Ismail Soylemez. I need to talk to him. He has serious projects. He means business. The worst case is using Vate's alphabet; which I don't want to do it. But it is an option. Turkish diacritics should not be even an option. --Xosere 16:54, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
- All Zazaists use the turkish i ı-system. And I don't think that Ismail Söylemez will change thing. I see no any problems to use the i ı-system. --Dersimıc 16:59, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
- I think this is much better. We have only two diacritics common with Turkish/Kurdish (ç, ş). We have two diacritics common with only Turkish (i ı). We have two independent of Turkish and Kurdish (é, ú). Xosere 18:31, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
- If anyway the most Authors take turkish keyboards, then is the using of "ü" also no problem, especially the turks loaned the letters "ü" and "ö" from german. --Dersimıc 19:08, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
- I think this is much better. We have only two diacritics common with Turkish/Kurdish (ç, ş). We have two diacritics common with only Turkish (i ı). We have two independent of Turkish and Kurdish (é, ú). Xosere 18:31, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
- There is no "ü" sound in Zazaki. You can't write zazaki "and" word with the ü letter. People tried to stretch it as much as they can. That is what we get. In this technology age, keyboard is not a problem. You can use MS Word's replace function and replace ü with ú in a second. We don't need ü. After all, there won't be any point in changing letters. --Xosere 08:27, 13 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
bıvurnemı tiya yew xeta diye:
"i" eksiko. --Dersimıc 12:42, 24 Temuze 2008 (UTC)
Nuştey heftey
bıvurneBıraêne, no Xosereo çı qarnaşiyo, ney ra vazê, ney de qet ar u edeb nêmendo. Çıra nuştu vurneno? Reyê ki mı ra vanê ke ez qarinane. Nê honêzanaoği ra qeri endi kes ita menuso, se kero? --Mirzali 20:18, 27 Gulane 2009 (UTC)