Şablon vaten:Nuştey heftey

Please change to the old Alphabet Bıra Xosere, if you want write long texts, you can buy simply a turkish keyboard. --Dersimıc 15:49, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)

IT IS NOT AN ISSUE OF KEYBOARD. THIS alphabet cannot be used here. Even Chinese alphabet would be much better. --Xosere 16:07, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
then i wish your good luck. --Dersimıc 16:37, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
Thanks bra. Come up with ideas accept those Turkish diactrics. --Xosere 16:46, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
And who will use this Alphabet? --Dersimıc 16:49, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
If you are concerned about who will accept it, I would say maybe Ismail Soylemez. I need to talk to him. He has serious projects. He means business. The worst case is using Vate's alphabet; which I don't want to do it. But it is an option. Turkish diacritics should not be even an option. --Xosere 16:54, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
All Zazaists use the turkish i ı-system. And I don't think that Ismail Söylemez will change thing. I see no any problems to use the i ı-system. --Dersimıc 16:59, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
Okay. Let's keep the i ı-system. So instead of ê we have é. And instead of ü we have ú. We use ç and ş for ch and sh. And we get rid of ğ. How is this sound?Xosere 18:18, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
This sounds good. --Dersimıc 18:26, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
I think this is much better. We have only two diacritics common with Turkish/Kurdish (ç, ş). We have two diacritics common with only Turkish (i ı). We have two independent of Turkish and Kurdish (é, ú). Xosere 18:31, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
If anyway the most Authors take turkish keyboards, then is the using of "ü" also no problem, especially the turks loaned the letters "ü" and "ö" from german. --Dersimıc 19:08, 12 Temuz 2008 (UTC)
There is no "ü" sound in Zazaki. You can't write zazaki "and" word with the ü letter. People tried to stretch it as much as they can. That is what we get. In this technology age, keyboard is not a problem. You can use MS Word's replace function and replace ü with ú in a second. We don't need ü. After all, there won't be any point in changing letters. --Xosere 08:27, 13 Temuz 2008 (UTC)

mı tiya yew xeta diye:


"i" eksiko. --Dersimıc 12:42, 24 Temuze 2008 (UTC)

Nuştey heftey


Bıraêne, no Xosereo çı qarnaşiyo, ney ra vazê, ney de qet ar u edeb nêmendo. Çıra nuştu vurneno? Reyê ki mı ra vanê ke ez qarinane. Nê honêzanaoği ra qeri endi kes ita menuso, se kero? --Mirzali 20:18, 27 Gulane 2009 (UTC)

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