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::::: Sayin "Vame", her neyse, bence katkiya devam etmelisin, sonuçda dilimiz zenginlesiyor, ve bakarsin bir gün özgür bagimsiz demokratik bir Kürdistan cumhuriyetini kulacagiz. Zazaca katkida bulunma güzel, " em dibêjin : ber dewam bike"...[[Karber:Alsace38|Alsace38]] ([[Karber mesac:Alsace38|mesac]]) 18:45, 20 Keşkelun 2013 ([[UTC]])
:::: Tı se vana, howl vana ([[Karber mesac:Alsace38|mesac]]). Aklı selim biri çıktı şükür. You are right, I create the articles for development of language. But [[Karber:Xoser|Xoser]] and [[Karber:Azadi|Azadi]] are dont understand it. I creat the articles by our dialect. I have read it its free to create article with different dialects. I cant understand reactions of [[Karber:Xoser|Xoser]] and [[Karber:Azadi|Azadi]]. Because here is a free encyclopedia. [[Karber:Vame|Vame]] ([[Karber mesac:Vame|mesac]]) 10:56, 23 Keşkelun 2013 ([[UTC]])
==Zazakîya Xelet==