Wikipedia:Portalê cemaeti/Other issues: Ferqê çımraviyarnayışan

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::::: There are also phonetic differences between the southen and central dialect. Which word you will take for example "day"? Southern Zazas do use "rojı", Central Zazas "ruec". Which word you will take for "language"? Central: zun, Southern: zıwan and other variants. What will you take for "he says", "vun" or "vano"?
::::: So it comes to the same result, you must also create then a new dialect, which is not using in the real life. And the only difference in this new "Construced" language will be, that it will be not havehas 1-5 variants of Northern, as "de(r)". Say me, what other variants except things of "de(r)" (Southern: dı, Cermig Mouth: dı[r]) and "be" (Southern: bı) are from the Northern? In which words are the northern variants without reason in favorism? The most variants are from Southern and Central, and we Northern Zazas have no any problem with this.
::::: And its harder to create a standard only with Southern Zazaists and Central Zazas, because the most of them are RegionalsRegionalists as Faruk Iremet, who even not accept "roc". Or as ZazaYasar.
::::: Thank of Asmen and Mirzali we could create some standards. Only this two people are ready for compromises and work linguistic. All other Zazas Intellectuals are regionalists in the thinking.
::::: If you are for it, that the Chaos in Zazaki should remain, then this damags only Zazaki. Its not makes sense, to let phonetical variants of the same word. Zazaki can not develope hisself, if there is no standard language.