Qeydi pêro

Barkerdış, esterıtış, sıtarkerdış, kılitkerdış u cıkewtışê karberi ardi têarê. Şıma şenê weçinıtışê asayışê cıkewtışi, nameyê karberi ya zi pela mıtesirbiyayiye teng kerên.

  • 15:51, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Karber vaten: ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:48, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:Demografiye ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:47, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:Kısi ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:47, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:Xuruc ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:46, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:Polis ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:45, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:Şems (sure) ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:44, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:Fellah ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:44, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:Wikipediya:Embassy/Arşiv 6b ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:43, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:İdo ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:42, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:Numeki ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)
  • 15:41, 12 Tışrino Verên 2019 werênayış, nameyê Vaten:Ateizmo negatif ra yew pele vıraşte (188 MYSTICISM AND LOGIC less than a certain thickness, the glass breaks. I also do not deny that the observation of such regularities, even when they are not without exceptions, is useful in the infancy of a science: the observation that unsupported bodies in air usually fall was a stage on the way to the law of gravitation. What I deny is that science assumes the existence of invariable uniformities of sequence of this kind, or that it aims at discovering them. All such uniformities, as we saw,)