Seba na module şıma şenê yû pela dokumani vırazê Modul:Redirect/sandbox/dok

-- Given a single page name determines what page it redirects to and returns the target page name, or the
-- passed page name when not a redirect. The passed page name can be given as plain text or as a page link.
-- Returns page name as plain text, or when the bracket parameter is given, as a page link. Returns an
-- error message when page does not exist or the redirect target cannot be determined for some reason.

-- Thus these are roughly the same:
-- [[{{#invoke:redirect|main|redirect-page-name}}]] and {{#invoke:redirect|main|redirect-page-name|bracket=yes}}

local p = {}

local function warOnGsub(text, repl)
	if repl then
		text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "%%", "%%%%")
	    text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "([%?%^%$%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%]])", "%%%1")
	return text

local function getRedirect(rname)
    -- Get the title object, passing the function through pcall 
    -- in case we are over the expensive function count limit.
    -- returning nil indicates the redirect did not parse, but nonexistent or non-redirect pages are not nil.
    local noError, rpage = pcall(, rname)
    if not noError or noError and not rpage or not rpage.isRedirect then
        -- failed, or the page is not a redirect, so use the passed page name.
        return rname
    local redirect = mw.ustring.match(rpage:getContent() or "", "^%s*#[Rr][Ee][Dd][Ii][Rr][Ee][Cc][Tt]%s*:?%s*%[%[([^%[%]]-)%]%]" )
    if redirect then
        -- Decode html entities and percent encodings.
        redirect = mw.text.decode(redirect, true)
        redirect = mw.uri.decode(redirect, 'WIKI')
    return redirect

function p._main(args)
    local rname, bracket = args[1], args.bracket
    bracket = bracket and "[[%s]]" or "%s"
    if type(rname) ~= "string" or not mw.ustring.match(rname, "%S") then return end
    rname = mw.ustring.match(rname, "%[%[(.+)%]%]") or rname
    local redirect = getRedirect(rname)
    if redirect then
        return mw.ustring.format(bracket, redirect)
        return mw.ustring.format('<span class="error">[[Module:redirect]] error: could not parse redirect - [[%s]]</span>', rname)

local function getPage(sourceName)
    if type(sourceName) ~= "string" or not mw.ustring.match(sourceName, "%S") then return end
    -- the following delink doesn't make as much sense for this usage but is done for consistency.
    sourceName = mw.ustring.match(sourceName, "%[%[(.+)%]%]") or sourceName

    local noError, title = pcall(, sourceName)
    if not noError then
        text = nil -- should be anyway; nil means error
    	text = title:getContent()
    return text

local function nowikize(text, nowiki, default)
	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	if (default or nowiki) and (nowiki ~= 'no') then
		text = frame:preprocess('<pre><nowiki>'..text..'</nowiki></pre>')
	return text

function p._block(args)
    -- this feature takes an initial page as an argument.  It obtains all the links from that page 
    -- starting from the first instance of some link named as start=, and replaces every link after
    -- that which is a redirect with the non-redirected canonical name, up until pcall throws an error
    -- due to expense.  Finally, it returns the substituted page.
    local sourceName, start, text, pipe, nowiki = args[1], args[2], args.text, args.pipe, args.nowiki
    if type(sourceName) == "string" then sourceName = mw.text.trim(sourceName) or sourceName end
    if type(start) == "string" then start = mw.text.trim(start) or start end
    if type(pipe) == "string" then pipe = mw.text.trim(pipe) or pipe end
    if type(text) ~= "string" then 
        text = getPage(sourceName)-- we're getting text = the contents of the page at args[1]

    if not(text) then -- nothing to work from
        return -- optional error here
    local originalText = text -- I don't want to even think about conflicts...
    local separator = {na = '([%]|]%]?)', yes = '|', no = '%]%]', make = '|', set = '%]%]'}
    local newSeparator = {na = '%1', yes = '|', no = ']]', make = '|', set = ']]'}
    local nextLink = mw.ustring.gmatch(originalText, "%[%[([^%]|]*)|?([^%]]-)%]%]")
    local link = " " -- true
    local display = "" -- false
    while link do
        if not(start) and link ~= " " then
            newLink = getRedirect(link)
            -- if the page does redirect, do it if "pipe" isn't set or a pipe is present or absent as specified
            if newLink and (newLink ~= link) and ((not pipe) or (pipe == 'make') or (display and (pipe == 'yes')) or (not display and (pipe == 'no'))) then
                local pipePlay = pipe or 'na'
            	if pipe == 'make' and (not display) then
                        pipePlay = 'set'
            		-- if we're changing the link and there's no |something, create |the old name in the link.
            		newLink = newLink .. "|" .. link
                link = warOnGsub(link, nil)
                link = "%[%[%s*""%s*"..separator[pipePlay]
            	newLink = warOnGsub(newLink, true)
                newLink = "[["..newLink..newSeparator[pipePlay]
            	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, link, newLink, 1) or text -- no sense looking past 1, we'll be back...

        link, display = nextLink()
        if display then
        	display = mw.ustring.match(display, "(%S+)") -- nil if no non-space
        if link then link = mw.text.trim(link) or link end
        if start and link then
            if start == link then
                start = nil
                link = " " -- discard all links before the one to start with
    return nowikize(text, nowiki, true)

local function makeWrapper(func)
	return function (frame)
		-- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking
		-- template, or the args passed to #invoke if any exist. Otherwise
		-- assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console
		-- or from another Lua module.
		local origArgs
		if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
			origArgs = frame:getParent().args
			for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do
				origArgs = frame.args
			origArgs = frame
		-- Trim whitespace and remove blank arguments.
		local args = {}
		for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do
			v = mw.text.trim(v)
			if v ~= '' then
				args[k] = v
		return func(args)

local funcNames = {'main', 'block'}

for _, funcName in ipairs(funcNames) do
	p[funcName] = makeWrapper(p['_' .. funcName])

return p