Vaten:Keke be Kerzıki ra

The text above is a short Zazaish fairy-tale. The translation is as follows:

The flea and the tick go to play on ice.

The flea slips and falls down and breaks its foot.

The flea says: “Oh ice! What are you for a ice, that I broke my foot on you?”

The ice says: “If I weren’t ice, the sun didn’t shine to me.”

The flea says: “Oh sun! What are you for a sun, that you shine to the ice?”

The sun says: “If I weren’t sun, I couldn’t shine to the mountains’ summit.”

The flea says: “Oh mountains! What are you for mountains, that the sun shines to your summit?”

The mountains say: “If we weren’t mountains, the sheep and goats didn’t graze on us.”

The flea says: “Oh sheep and goats! What are you for sheep and goats, that you graze on mountains?”

The sheep and goats say: “If we weren’t sheep and goats, the wolf wouldn’t pursue us.”

The flea says: “Oh wolf! What are you for a wolf, that you pursue the sheep and goats?”

The wolf says: “If I weren’t a wolf, the dog wouldn’t run after me.”

The flea says: “Oh dog! What are you for a dog, that you run after the wolf?”

The dog says: “If I weren’t a dog, it wouldn’t be given me food on the old earth?”

The flea says: “Oh old earth! What are you for an old earth, that it would be given food to the dog on you?”

The old earth says: “If I weren’t an old earth, the mouse didn’t make holes into me?”

The flea says: “Oh mouse! What are you for a mouse, that you make holes into the old earth?”

The mouse says: “If I weren’t a mouse, the cat wouldn’t chase me?”

The flea says: “Oh cat! What are you for a cat, that you chase the mouse?”

But in this moment the cat jumps out of the window…

--Mirzali 12:04, 10 Tebaxe 2007 (UTC)

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